Proposition #4 Plural Elohim Proves the Godhead?

Trinity with Question MarkProposition # 4: The Hebrew word most often used for God is elohim which is a plural noun, thus denoting the plurality in the Godhead. Also, God [elohim] used plural first-person pronouns as in Genesis 1:26, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”

Response: Again, the language in which this was originally written was the native tongue of the Jews, yet they have not felt compelled by the use of the plural noun or pronoun … Read the rest

Proposition #3 Is God a Compound Unity?

Trinity with Question MarkProposition # 3: Though Deuteronomy 6:4 says that God is one, the Hebrew term translated one indicates a compound unity. Therefore, the one God must be a multiple in some sense, that being revealed by other passages of Scripture as a Trinity.

Response: The language in which Deuteronomy 6:4 was originally written was the native tongue of the Jews, yet they have never derived the concept of a triune God because of this verse, or any other passage of … Read the rest

Proposition # 2: If Jesus Christ is not literally God, then his death could not save us

Trinity with Question MarkProposition # 2: If Jesus Christ is not literally God, then his death could not save us; no mere human can provide atonement for the sins of another. Also Acts 20:28 speaks of “the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” (KJV)

Response: It needs to be noted that Jesus was no “mere” human. Luke 1:35 records that an angel told Mary, “Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will … Read the rest

Proposition # 1: The Bible Says that Jesus is God

clip_image002Response: There are a few verses that refer –or seem to refer– to Jesus as God. Trinitarians assume –incorrectly– that there are only two options: Jesus must be true God or he is a false god. However, there is another option: A few times the scriptures uses the word God TO REFER TO SOMEONE THAT IS ACTING AS GOD’S REPRESENTATIVE.

In the NET Bible, a translation made by trinitarians, Exodus 7:1 reads, “So the LORD said to Moses, … Read the rest

The Absurdity Of Orthodox Christology

by Troy Salinger [SOURCE]

absurdity-problem-that-makes-life-260nw-1826460002The orthodox creeds of Christianity, which have been handed down to us from the ecumenical councils of long ago, have dictated to believers of all time what must be believed about Christ in order for one to be considered orthodox, indeed in order to be saved. What these councils of the past have prescribed regarding what one must believe about Christ is that he is truly God and truly man, i.e. he possesses both a divine … Read the rest

Whom Did Jesus Identify As God?

confused-man-with-question-markAn almost universal belief among (post Nicea-Constantinople) Christians is that the God of the Bible is a Trinity of three divine Persons called God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; each Person individual and distinct, yet fully God: co-equal, co-eternal, and possessing all the same attributes of deity.

Even so, there are not three Gods, but one God.

Those puzzled by this mathematical Mystery may well wonder: What did Jesus have to say about the Trinity … Read the rest