The Ambiguity of John 8:58

by Sir Anthony Buzzard

3bCommentators on the book of John frequently note a certain ambiguity in the sayings of Jesus, especially in connection with the failure of the hostile Jewish audience to grasp what Jesus meant. Orthodoxy is often keen to side with the opinions of the Jews against Jesus. The Jews, it is argued, thought that Jesus was claiming to be God. Therefore he is. But Jesus’ hostile audience is not a safe guide to the intentions of Christ. … Read the rest

What or Who is Logos

by Carlos Xavier

downloadMany assume that the “word” in John 1:1 is a person because in Greek logos is grammatically a masculine gender noun (logos) accompanied by masculine pronouns outos (he) and autou (his).

However, it’s a fundamental mistake to confuse grammatical gender with natural gender. In this case the inanimate object of “word” with an animate object, a human male person, no less!

This has led to the millennia old misinterpretation that John was describing the existence of Jesus … Read the rest

What Did Christianity Lose when it Parted from Judaism

The article was written by well respected scholar James Dunn, and this is from an article in Explorations vol 8, Num 2, 1994. (bolds are mine for emphasis)

1. Monotheism.

The simple answer is that Christianity lost the clarity of a belief in God as one,Judaism that is, one without further qualification.

Of course, Christianity continued to claim that it is and always has been a monotheistic faith. But there is no doubt that the doctrine of the Trinity, Read the rest

The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma


The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma by Kegan A. Chandler

ChandlerAt a very early stage in Church history, influences from the Greco-Roman world forcefully pressed the traditional God of Judaism through a system of pagan philosophy. The theological battles which followed produced serious problems for Christianity, and imperial edicts made accepting philosophical statements about God a matter of life or death.

Today, scholars are inviting us to reexamine whether these philosophies played any role … Read the rest

When Jesus Became God


When Jesus Became God: The Struggle to Define Christianity during the Last Days of Rome by Richard E. Rubenstein

This book is a MUST READ by honest Trinitarians and non-Trinitarians alike. 

Background note : When the creator of this website was Eastern/ByzantineRubenstein Catholic (known as the self proclaimed and crowned Eastern “Orthodox”) for almost 8 years, my family was fed a neatly designed packaged claiming that all heresy in regard to “The Trinity” and the dispute … Read the rest

Early High Christology – Did Jesus think he was God?

This is a FEATURED VIDEO of a presentation given by Kegan Chandler, from YOUTUBE.

Trinity Fidget SpinnerNOTE : When watching – remember what the doctrine of “The Trinity” is. TRINITY DEFINITIONS can be found for review under categories on the right.

Kegan Chandler works us through the answers from the “Early High Christology Club” to the question “Did Jesus know he was God”? We discover that there is not one consistent view among these scholars (like Michael F. Bird, N.T. Wright, Read the rest