John 8:58 Is Jesus God?

John 8:58 –   “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am.”

By Troy Salinger [SOURCE]

I Am FinalThis verse is taken by many Christian teachers, apologists and Bible commentators as one of the clearest statements in the NT of the pre-existence and deity of Messiah. It appears that Jesus is saying 1) that he existed before Abraham, and 2) that he is himself  Yahweh, in accordance with Exodus 3:14. This has been the standard way of understanding … Read the rest

Why You Should Believe Jesus of Nazareth Is a Human Person

by Troy Salinger [source]

Pantokrator_of_SinaiBefore I present why you should believe Jesus of Nazareth is a simple human person, I must define what I mean by simple, since the word has many applications. I will use the Collins online dictionary definitions for simple that pertain to what I mean in applying this word to Jesus. Here are the applicable definitions:

1.having or consisting of only one part, feature, substance, etc.; not compounded or complex; single
2.without additions or qualifications; … Read the rest