Christians and the Sabbath

download[NOTE : The author of this article at the time was examining Seventh Day Adventist views on the Sabbath, but the arguments and points in the article would likely be applicable to any person that leans toward Sabbatarian views today.]

There is a growing number of Christian groups which teach that Christians must observe the seventh-day Sabbath. The arguments presented by these Sabbatarians seem quite compelling. But are their conclusions correct?

Let us consider Exodus 31:12-17:

And Yahweh said to Read the rest

Pledging Allegiance to the Political State

imagesPledging Allegiance to the Political State?

“Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  — Mark 12:17

In the first century many Christians, men, women, and children met their deaths because they refused to throw a pinch of incense on an altar to Caesar. Considering the life and death consequences, was not their refusal ridiculous? After all, they could have performed the act without having a worshipful attitude toward Caesar, or changing … Read the rest

Was Jesus Just a Mere or Common Man? NO!

Jesus Mere ManOne of the most common accusations of Trinitarians is that IF Jesus is not God then he must just be a “mere” or “common” man and therefore he could not be the Messiah or able to die for our sins.

(I would reply that if Jesus is God he could not have died for our sins because God can not die!! I will save that for another post)

The best way to answer the question “Was Jesus a Mere or … Read the rest

Proposition #25 Jesus Calls the Holy Spirit Another Helper, Therefore The Holy Spirit is God.

Trinity with Question MarkProposition # 25: Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as “another [Gk., allos] Helper.” (John 14:16) . Greek scholar Joseph Thayer states, “Allos generally denotes simply a distinction of individuals.” / “Heteros involves the secondary idea of difference of kind.” Hence, since Jesus is a Person, the Holy Spirit must be One also or Jesus would have used heteros instead of allos at John 14:16.

Response: In John 14:161-8 notice what Jesus said,

“And I will pray the Father, and … Read the rest

Proposition#24 Masculine Pronouns Prove that the Holy Spirit is God

Trinity with Question MarkProposition # 24: Masculine pronouns are used in reference to the Holy Spirit despite the fact that Spirit [Gk., pneuma] is neuter. This proves the Personality of the Holy Spirit. — John 14:26; 15:26; 16:8, 13

Response: Some foreign languages have what is called grammatical gender, which has nothing to do with personality or sexual gender.

For example, in Spanish the word mesa means table and is feminine. But this does not mean that Spanish-speaking people regard it as … Read the rest

Proposition #23 Isn’t Baptism Proof that God is The Trinity?

PTrinity with Question Markroposition # 23: An essential relationship is implied by the fact that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are drawn together in the baptismal command given by Jesus at Matthew 28:19 in a manner and under the same singular designation of authority. Also there are other passages of Scripture where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are mentioned together.

Response: That there are a Father, and Son, and holy spirit, we do not contest. That there is Read the rest